Article I. Name
The name of the organization is the Viet-American Mental Health Network of Northern California (VAMHN/NC), or Hội Chuyên Gia Tâm Trí Việt Mỹ Bắc California, hereinafter referred to as “the Network”.
Article II. Purpose
To help develop and/or improve the quality of mental health services to Vietnamese Americans. To increase awareness of resources for Vietnamese Americans. To reduce social and cultural stigma of mental illness. To organize conferences on mental health issues. To provide peer consultation to Network members. To increase the number of Vietnamese American mental health professionals.
Article III. Membership
Section 1 - Members
The members of the Network shall include all eligible persons who support its purpose. The members shall delegate to the Executive Board (refer to Article IV – Executive Board) all policy making functions, except in such special situations as are expressly provided in these Bylaws.
Section 2 - Membership Roster
The Secretary of the Network shall keep and act as custodian of a complete and accurate roster of the names and addresses of the members. The roster of members shall not be disclosed except with the express permission of the Executive Board.
Section 3 - Membership Eligibility
There will be only one class of members which include individuals who have studied and/or worked in mental health, human services or related fields.
Section 4 - Membership and Dues
An individual who meets the membership criteria in Article III, Sections 1 and 3, may become a member of the Network.
a) Fees, if any, shall be in such an amount as may be specified from time to time by the Executive Board and charged and payable with the application for membership.
b) Annual dues must be current in order to vote and hold office.
Article IV. Executive Board
The Executive Board shall review all ongoing business of the Network and will act on behalf of the Network and its members. The Executive Board will coordinate and facilitate the activities of all committees and task forces and assist in program and agenda for meetings of the Network.
Article V. Officers and Duties
Section 1 - Offices and Election
The officers of the Network shall be a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, and together with such other officers as the Executive Board may designate from time to time. All officers shall be elected by a quorum at the first regular meeting held in the month of January every other year, or as soon thereafter as such election may be conveniently held.
Section 2 - Term of Office
Officers shall be elected for a term of two years, or, until their respective successors are elected and qualified. If an office becomes vacant, the general membership shall elect an interim officer. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. After a hiatus of one year, eligibility will start anew. No one shall be eligible to serve as a Network officer unless he or she is also a due paid member of the organization.
Section 3 - Compensation
No officer or member shall be paid any compensation for his or her services unless specifically authorized and provided for by the Executive Board.
Section 4 - Elected Officers
a) President
The President shall preside at all meetings and have general charge of the business affairs of the Network. Together with the Secretary, the President shall sign all contracts, orders or instruments intended to bind the Network. The President is responsible for scheduling meetings, preparing agendas and presiding at meetings; serves as an ex-officio member of all Sub-Committees and Task Forces; serves as representative of the Network at meetings and other formal functions; signs all official correspondence of the Network. The President shall sit on the Executive Board for one year after the term of his or her office has expired.
b) Vice President
The Vice President shall perform the duties and exercise the authority of the President when the latter is unable to act; assist the President to carry out his or her duties; and direct and coordinate the efforts of all Task forces.
d) Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be the chief financial and accounting officer of the Network, perform such duties as are required by law and may be ordered by the Network; make available an accurate and current accounting of all funds, debts, and payments made by the Network; make record available for audit at all times; and present a monthly report to the general membership.
e) Secretary
The Secretary shall be the official custodian of all records, keeping a record of all proceedings; perform such other duties as are required by law or by these Bylaws; distribute flyers, agendas, and maintain membership and attendance rolls; and become responsible for selecting an alternate in his or her absence. The Secretary will monitor the matter of procedure in any meeting of the organization which is not covered by these Bylaws or by the laws of California or Robert's Rules of Order, unless ordered by a majority of those present at the meeting.
Article VI. Meetings
The Network shall meet monthly or as often as required to conduct the business of the organization. The Executive Board shall meet as often as required to accomplish the responsibilities of that body.
Section 1 - Quorum
A quorum of the Network general membership will consist of no less than five (5) members. If a quorum is not present, no motions or decisions can be made, but informal discussion can take place.
Section 2 - Attendance
When an officer has two (2) consecutive unexcused absences from regular meetings of the organization, without excuses, it shall be the duty of the secretary to notify the said officer. The notice shall also state that such officer’s absence from three (3) successive meetings of the Executive Committee will result in termination of status as an officer of the organization unless such absence is excused by action of the Executive Board.
Section 3 - Manner of Acting
Unless otherwise required by law or these Bylaws, the vote of the majority of members and Executive Board members present shall become effective policy of the Network, providing that the meeting has been duly called, due notice of the meeting has been distributed and a quorum is present. Each member shall have one vote and that vote may be cast only in person or in writing.
Article VII. Standing Committees and Task Forces
Standing Committees and Task Forces shall be established by a vote of the general membership, to assume jurisdiction over long-range or ongoing areas of concern to the Network. Duration of these Committees or Task Forces will be the length of time required to achieve or abandon its objectives as determined by the designating group and approved by the Executive Board.
Article VIII. Parliamentary Authority
Robert's Rules of Order shall be the governing authority in the procedure of the Network unless otherwise ordered by the majority of those present at the meeting.
Article IX. Amendments to the Bylaws
Section 1 - Proposed Changes
Any member of the general membership may propose a change in the Bylaws, which shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Board and to each of the members of the organization.
Section 2 - Notice
Notice of the meeting shall include a statement of intention to amend the Bylaws and shall be sent no less than 30 days before the meeting of the Executive Board at which amendments are to be considered and approved by the Executive Board.
Section 3 - Approval
If the above conditions are met, the Bylaws may be amended by a simple majority vote of the Network membership.